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This is the best time to invest in #Luxury#Real#Estate to ensure your future and we are here to help you to find your perfect #home in Switzerland!

Based on the recent #Forbes’ study, #Switzerland has been appointed as being the #safest #country in the #world for #Covid-19, because of its economy’s resilience, and due to the careful ways in which it is attempting to relax #lockdown and #economic freezing mandates in a fact and science-based manner, without sacrificing public health and #safety. Full article:

The report, done by, it is based on 130 quantitative and qualitative parameters and over 11,400 data points in categories like quarantine efficiency, monitoring and detection, health readiness, and government efficiency.

Interestingly, there’s been significant change in the safety rankings through the months of the pandemic. Initially, countries that could react quickly to crises and had high levels of emergency preparedness ranked highest.

Now #countries with resilient economies are ranking higher and #Switzerland RANKS as N.1!

This is, more than ever, the perfect moment to #invest in Real Estate in #Switzerland. We, as parliswiss, have different properties to propose, mainly along the whole beautiful #Engadine and in the sunny #Ticino, the #Swiss southernmost Canton close to #Italy.

In the Engadine Valley we do have #properties to #sell or to #rent in many different villages depending on what you like best, below just options of our offers and on what it could be your next #home as well as some ex. of properties we sold in the last few months.


Picture 12: A typical Stüvetta Engiadinaisa

These below are some properties we recently sold! The demand to invest in Engadine is increasing day by day, both as a pure investment or as its own house!

The #Engadine Valley is known all over the world for its #beauty, for its magnificent #mountains and nature that you can discover throughout the full year. During #winter time you can #ski and #snowboard on the different stunning slopes, go for cross country skiing for tons of kilometers enjoying the beautiful #landscape and breathing fresh air, practice snowkite and you can also walk or ice-skating on the incredible frozen #lakes and make incredible strolls in the fairy-tale snowy #forest.

In #summer time you can spend full days doing trekking, unforgettable #walks making new friends as #fawns, #marmots, #ibex and many others, you can stop in many places to have #picnic with your #family and friends, you can ride or even book horse carriage, you can enjoy doing #windsurf or #kitesurf on #Silvaplana lake.

Everything seems to be magic and surreal.

There are so many unforgettable things that you can experience and we suggest you to have a look at the official website

But also in #Ticino, the Swiss Canton kissed by the sun, the “place to be” during summertime, with palm-lined lakes, alpine peaks, good cuisine and the land of the famous Merlot wine, we have magnificent opportunities to invest on.

Ticino is a very loved Canton, not only for the business, sun, the lakes, the mountains, the food and the wine but also for its proximity to Italy. It is a place where you can live very well with a total privacy and enjoying many things that you can do in the nature. You’ll love it and who knows.. maybe you can really think to move or invest there!


We found an interesting article on it, that we want to share with you to give you a more precise idea on this stunning place and all what you can experience.

Enjoy our Company video below and visit our website to discover the full list with all the opportunity!

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1. Raccontaci di te

Sono Lisa Migliorini, ho 26 anni e abito in provincia di Novara, in Piemonte. Sono fiosioterapista e running/sport influencer con la mia pagina @TheFashionJogger.

Runner agonista da quando ero piccola, e grazie a ho fatto della mia passione anche il mio lavoro.

Le mie distanze preferite sono i 10 km e la mezza maratona.

2. Quando e dove nasce la passione per la corsa? Sono cresciuta in una famiglia di super sportivi: sia la mamma che il papà hanno praticato atletica a buoni livelli e successivamente triathlon. Sicuramente ce l’ho nel DNA! Prima di dedicarmi interamente alla corsa all’età di 10 anni circa, ho praticato altri sport, come danza classica, nuoto, tennis e triathlon

3. Raccontaci la tua esperienza a St.Moritz in 48 ore con @Parliswiss

Conosco molto bene St. Moritz, vengo ogni anno in estate per due settimane di allenamento in altura. Tuttavia, in queste 48 ore grazie a

ho scoperto posti nuovi e vissuto nuove esperienze: un vero weekend engadinese nel #lusso e nella natura che St. Moritz può offrire.

A partire dal meraviglioso appartamento dove siamo stati ospiti a Champfèr, un gioiello con una vista spettacolare:

Per me è stato fantastico #correre sulla neve lungo il lago di #StMoritz, per poi imbatterci in un gruppo di scoiattoli: mai visti così tanti in una volta sola. Un #allenamento diverso dai soliti, carico di emozioni in mezzo alla natura.

Da St. Moritz abbiamo guidato lungo la magnifica Valle Engadinese fino a Zuoz e li abbiamo visitato la meravigliosa

#Zuoz è un paesino in perfetto stile #Engadinese dove il tempo sembra essersi fermato. Non dovete assolutamente perdere l’occasione di andarci!

Abbiamo cenato in #ristoranti magnifici e caratteristici: al abbiamo mangiato una #selvaggina strepitosa mentre al abbiamo gustato un tipico piatto: la #Fondue.

Ma prima di cena abbiamo anche trovato il tempo per prendere un aperitivo allo #SkyBar del che offre una vista spettacolare su St. Moritz.

Adoro il cibo, infatti scoprire sapori nuovi è una delle cose che mi piace di più del viaggiare.

Domenica siamo stati sul lago al : semplicemente emozionante. Il lago ghiacciato, i cavalli, le scommesse, lo champagne in secchielli di ghiaccio e le ostriche…una cosa incredibile! È stato un weekend molto divertente. L’ Engadina è un posto fantastico, dai colori magici in tutte le stagioni: bisogna venirci almeno una volta nella vita!

4. Pro & Cos della corsa in altitudine Se effettuato con la giusta intensità e nel periodo ideale, sono decisamente più i pro che i contro. Una volta scesi al livello del mare si ha un miglioramento della #performance. Ciò accade perché a causa della rarefazione dell’aria, meno ricca di ossigeno, si ha un naturale aumento della concentrazione di eritropoietina, di piastrine e di emoglobina nel sangue. Ne consegue un miglioramento del trasporto di ossigeno e un incremento della potenza aerobica, beneficiando quindi maggiormente i runners di resistenza. Ovviamente bisogna stare attenti ad iniziare gli #allenamenti con gradualità. Ci vuole sempre almeno una settimana di adattamento, poi si può iniziare a fare degli allenamenti più intensi e strutturati.

5. Consigli su abbigliamento per corsa in altitudine d’inverno Cuffia e #guanti non possono mancare. Per il resto mi vesto a strati: maglia intima aderente e termica a contatto con la pelle, una maglia a maniche lunghe più pesante e con il collo alto e un #giubbotto a maniche lunghe o senza maniche impermeabile per riparare il busto dal freddo e dal vento. In ogni caso, in base alla temperatura, aggiungo o tolgo qualche strato. Riguardo alle #scarpe, sicuramente devono avere una suola con un buon #grip per evitare di scivolare. Se non bastano quelle che si usano per gli allenamenti più lunghi (A3-A4), allora meglio optare per delle scarpe da trail.

6. Come rimani motivata quando ti capita di non aver voglia di correre? Capita spesso di non avere voglia, soprattutto dopo una giornata stancante di lavoro. Alla fine il senso del dovere e la consapevolezza che dopo la corsa mi sentirò sicuramente meglio, vincono: scarpette e via! Non bisogna lasciare che la pigrizia vinca, ciò non vuol dire però non ascoltare il nostro corpo: se la stanchezza è troppa o ci sembra che ci siano altre problematiche, meglio riposare.

7. Come mai hai scelto “The Fashion Jogger” come nome per il tuo account? Passione per la moda? E' stata un’idea mia e del mio fidanzato Fabio, con cui ho fondato il profilo. Abbiamo unito le mie due grandi #passioni, la #corsa e la #moda, e devo dire che il risultato è piaciuto.

8. Hai Playlist preferite quando corri? Adoro la #musica, tranne mentre corro. Preferisco ascoltare i suoni della natura o i rumori della città. Mi concentro meglio su me stessa, sul mio respiro e sulle mie sensazioni. Inoltre corro quasi sempre in compagnia, quindi quando l’allenamento lo permette parlo con i miei amici.

9. Quale obiettivo ti sei posta per la corsa

Il mio obbiettivo, come quello di tutti i #runner agonisti, è di migliorare i miei personal best. In questi giorni partirò per #Muscat, in Oman, dove correrò una 10 km. Non vedo l’ora, sarà solo puro divertimento, senza nessuna mira di performance siccome non sarò nella mia migliore forma. Successivamente ho dei progetti che mi porteranno a gareggiare a Milano, città che adoro. Poi si vedrà: sicuramente farò una mezza #maratona in autunno e poi chi lo sa…magari la maratona!

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Updated: Feb 24, 2020

1. Tell us about yourself

I’m Lisa Migliorini, 26 years old and live in the province of Novara, in Piedmont. I am a physiotherapist and running / sport influencer with my @TheFashionJogger page.

I have been a competitive runner since I was a child, and thanks to I have also made my job of my passion.

My favorite distances are 10 km and a half marathon.

2. When and where was the passion for running born?

I grew up in a family of super sportsmen: both mom and dad practiced athletics at good levels and then triathlon. I certainly have it in my DNA!

Before devoting myself entirely to running at the age of 10, I practiced other sports, such as ballet, swimming, tennis and triathlon.

3. Tell us about your 48-hours experience in St.Moritz with @Parliswiss

I know very well #StMoritz as I’m used to come every summer for two weeks of training in altitude.

But last week end, together with Fabio, we were hosted by in one of their apartment. We experienced different things and discovered new places: a very luxury week end in the midst of the nature.

We stayied in an amazing property in #Champfèr a small dreamy village with a stunning #lake view and just few minutes far from St.Moritz.

It was fantastic to #run on the snow along Lake #StMoritz, and then we came across a group of squirrels: never seen so many at one time. A #training session different from usual ones, with lots of energy and emotions.

From St. Moritz we also drove through the valley till Zuoz where we visited Galerie Tschudi, such an ispiring and stunning discovery.

#Zuoz is such a typical #Engadinese village where time seems to have stopped. You shouldn’t really miss it! You will love that place!

We dined in magnificent and characteristic restaurants: @Bellavista we had a tasteful and unique bash meat while @Restaurant Krone we had a delicious typical food: “Fondue”.

I love food, in fact discovering new flavors is one of the things I like most about traveling.

Before dinner we had the chance to get an aperitif at the Skybar of @Mono that offers a magnificent view of St. Moritz

On Sunday we had the opportunity to live the @WhiteTurf experience: simply exciting. The frozen lake, the horses, the bets, the champagne in ice buckets and the oysters ... an incredible thing! It was a very fun weekend. The Engadine is a fantastic place, with magical colors in all seasons: you should go there at least once in your life!

4. Pro & Cos of running in altitude If it's done with the right #intensity and in the ideal period, there are definitely more pros than cons. Once you go down to sea level you have an improvement in performance. This happens due to the rarefaction of the air, less rich in oxygen, there is a natural increase in the concentration of erythropoietin, platelets and hemoglobin in the blood. The result is an improvement in oxygen transport and an increase in aerobic power, thus benefiting endurance #runners more.

Obviously you have to be careful to start training gradually. It always takes at least a week of adaptation, then you can start doing more intense and structured #workouts.

5. Tips on clothing for running at altitude in winter

Cap and #gloves are a must. For the rest I #dress in layers: close-fitting, thermal underwear in contact with the skin, a heavier long-sleeved shirt with a high collar and a long-sleeved or waterproof sleeveless jacket to repair the bust from the cold and wind.

In any case, depending on the temperature, I add or remove layers. As for #shoes, surely they must have a sole with a good #grip to avoid slipping. If those used for longer workouts (A3-A4) are not enough, then it is better to opt for trail shoes.

6. How do you stay motivated when you don't feel like running?

It often happens that you don't feel like it, especially after a tiring day of work. In the end the sense of duty and the awareness that after the #race I will definitely feel better, they win: I just put my shoes and I go running! We must not let laziness win, this does not mean, however, not listening to our body: if there is too much tiredness or there seem to be other problems, it is better to rest.

7. Why did you choose "The Fashion Jogger" as your account name? Passion for fashion?

That was my and Fabio’s idea, my boyfriend, with whom I founded the profile. We have combined my two great passions: #running and #fashion. And I must say that people and followers like it!

8. Do you have favorite playlists when you run?

I love #music, except while I run. I prefer to listen to the sounds of #nature or the noises of the #city. I focus better on myself, on my breathing and on my #feelings. In addition, I almost always #run with someone, so when training allows, I talk to my friends.

9. What’s your next running goal?

My #goal, like that of all competitive #runners, is to improve my personal best. I’m leaving in these days for Muscat, #Oman, where I will run a 10 km. I am looking forward, it will be just pure fun, without any aim of performance as I won’t be in my best shape.

Then I have projects that will take me to compete in #Milan, a city that I love. And after that I will do a half marathon in fall and then who knows ... maybe the #marathon!

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